WorldLegacy LPPHDWorkshops Designed and Delivered by LPPHD Students

Power of Now: The Witness
Free yourself up from the chatter in your mind. Live life fully and in the Now!
David Nordeen, Contractor, NC

Network Marketing Success
Grow your business with less effort and more Joy! Develop leadership in others and Create Partnership. Bring your teams and potential partners.
Amber White, Wellness Coach, NC

Effective Communication Between Health Providers and Clients
Take your patient/healthcare provider relationship to a new level through effective communication.
Ellen Coates, Public Health Professional, MA

Courageous Living: Re-defining Your Relationship With Fear
Go boldly where you have never gone before.
Judy Seidenstein, Diversity Trainer, NC

The Power of Forgiveness
Love deeper! Live Lighter! Discover the Power of Forgiveness – And – It’s Impact on Your Life!
Patti Long, System Project Coordinator, NC

Rocket your Relationships
Could your relationships be Bigger? Deeper?
Discover how to take your relationships to a New Level.
Joseph Long, IT Specialist, NC

All of You: Empowerment and Wellness Through the integration of the Mind and Body
Unleash your full potential by having every aspect of you working toward the same goal.
Kaaren Johansson, Volunteer Coordinator, NC

I Can’t Hear You, Your Agenda Is Too Loud: Taking The Ego Out Of Activism
A WorldLegacy LP PhD workshop designed to increase an activist’s effectiveness through the examination of underlying beliefs and assumptions, as they relate to themselves and their audience.
Charlene Edgerton, Self- employed, NC

Personality Styles II
Take the discovery you gained about the four quadrants in the Personality Styles I and put it into action in Personality Styles II. Have hands-on practice communicating with the different quadrants. Dramatically increase your effectiveness as a leader.
Eric Long, Director of Operations, NC

Listening – An Act of Love
We as humans have been given one mouth and two ears, a coincidence? I think not! When we listen in a way that has others feel heard and cared for, they can be in their greatness and own their possibilities.
Dwight Cox, Self- employed, NC

Goal Setting for an Extraordinary Life!
Learn how to not only set goals aligned with your vision but to accomplish them and have results!
Bill Spreitzer, Coach, NC

Creating Win-Win Results
An opportunity to learn the art of creating Win-Win results as a way to resolve disputes so that they stay resolved.
Jeff Davis, Attorney, NC

Bridging the Generation Gap in the Workplace
This is your chance to figure out how to relate to, accept, motivate, empower or just plain work with co-workers, bosses, or employees of different generations.
Jeff Buck, Entrepreneur, NC

The Power of Focus and How it Can Transform Your Life
A workshop on vision and commitment.
Mary Sue Harrelson, Jewelry Designer and Coach, NC

Life Life Full: Finding your Purpose and Passion
A workshop that explores your inner belief regarding what you are truly passionate about and your soul’s intentional life purpose.
Natalie Wilson, RN, NC

Creativity: Accessing Freedom through Possibility
A LP PhD workshop which allows participants to experience their own creativity by accessing freedom through generating abundance, options, possibility, and openness to discovery.
Ellie Torre, Architect, NC

Creating and effective team in the workplace, at home and in your community
Improve your ability to create partnerships with others based on trust, respect and appreciation. Discover how true collaboration can dramatically increase your results.
Dale Farlow, CPA, NC

The Art and Science of Medical Decision Making
An experiential workshop to bring alive the joy of making conscious choices.
Dr. David Matchar, Professor and Director, Duke University, NC

Creating Win-Win Relationships
A powerful experiential LP PhD workshop to learn how to create, and to experience, the excitement, success, and possibilities that flow from creating powerful and transformational romantic, social, business, and community relationships in which everyone benefits.
John Jones, Attorney, FL

Team Building
Whether you are just embarking on your creative journey or trying to restart your artistic engine, experience the power of your vision to create abundance.
Thelma Horton, Entrepreneur, NC

Just Being
An experiential training illuminating the power and effectiveness of choosing of how to “be” in the courtroom.
Martha Lott, Attorney, FL

Standing as the Source of a Transformed World Through Staffing
Graduates discover and experience the profound impact that they can have on humanity by staffing a training, and to prepare graduates to better serve the students in their small groups, so they can make the biggest impact possible.
Melissa Botvinick, Banking, NC

Abundance and Prosperity: Shifting Limiting Beliefs
Judy Ordway, Entrepreneur, NC

How to Become an Effective Guest Event Dyad Partner
Serving People at Guest Events.
Lorraine Messner, Wellness Instructor, NC

Choosing Joy
Care givers and health care professionals can look underlying thoughts, beliefs, experiences and have choices in making and adopting those conversations.
Manijeh Boustani, Therapist, NC

Personality Styles at Work
Using personality styles to build an effective team in the workplace.
Karen Burns, Social Worker, NC

Event Venue Date
Quantum Warrior Springhill Suites Durham April 25, 2025 7:00 pm   Register