Being UnMessable
Being UnMessable2023-11-02T21:48:33-04:00

Do you have the courage to Be UnMessable?

Life is too short to let things mess you up.  Being UnMessable is when you can create possibilities anytime, with anyone, under any circumstances – while never losing your authentic self.

If you have the courage to be UnMessable, through this workshop you will:

• Dramatically increase your results in life
• Laugh at the adversity that life throws at you and powerful create your intended results
• Dance with surprises and embrace uncertainty
• Be unstoppable even when nobody agrees or understands
• Face challenges with confidence and grace
• Be unwavering in your authentic self

Prerequisite: WorldLegacy Breakthrough
Schedule: All day Saturday and Sunday (In-Person)
Tuition: $595 (No Cost Freedom Pass)

Note: COVID Update
All students must provide proof of negative COVID-19 test results within 24 hours of the start of the training.  A PCR test can be taken within 5-7 days of the training and a Rapid Antigen or home test within 2 days of the training. Please take a time-stamped photo of the test results and provide it before the training starts or bring it to registration.

What People Say – WorldLegacy Being UnMessable

This workshop had me connect deeply with fears that had been stopping me and had me close my heart. The second day was filled with joy and improvisation, and I was able to express myself fully. I am committed to creating trust and deep connections with people. I am clear on my vision, and I am ready to leave my impact on this planet.
Zhansaya Kaiyrbekova, IT, IL

Being UnMessable had me recognize some core limiting beliefs that were filtering events, situations, and relationships. I have tools to shift, not resist! I now have ways to focus on my intention and create a life of no regrets. I have reconnected with my authenticity, and I intend to have real conversations and create joy with my family especially when the stakes are high.
Rene Parrish, Retired Program Director Radiology, NC

Wow! This workshop was a deep inquiry into what detracts or deflects me from my purpose in life, including identifying those thoughts that linger from past experiences. I now have freedom of choice and I am reacquainted with my purpose.
Frank Cole, Building Contractor, NC

Being UnMessable let me tap into my inner pure power and passion and I am letting my true nature come out and play. Being surrounded by open minded and genuine people in this workshop helped me to connect deeply with what I truly want in this world. I will show up authentically in every moment of my life.
Gia Iskakova, Banker, Ohio

Being UnMessable workshop is life changing. I am clear and committed to live with love, freedom and joy. I have opened up new possibilities to create deep love and connection with my family and every human being. I realize I have choices, and when I fully commit to something bigger than myself, life is joyful and fun.
Lina Yang, Business Owner, NC

Being UnMessable has shown me how the power of my thoughts create the reality that I manifest, especially in the “messable” moments. I see how critical it is to pause, reset and choose what I am truly committed to creating. The in-depth work around context was a powerful realization for me. I know this will show up in all the relationships in my life.
Eric McAfee, Software Developer, NC

Being UnMessable was incredible. I truly learned what it means to be unmessable. I get to be the best version of myself and be accountable for all the results in my life. The workshop freed me up to see possibilities that I didn’t see before. I am now confident to create the best life possible and I am committed to creating from a place that is bigger than myself. This experience will support me in my upcoming marriage and all my relationships.
Monica Yang, Esthetician, NC

This workshop gave me tools to break through past limitations and I believe I will now be unstoppable in each area of my life. I am complete with a new power that will transform my clients, family, friends, and everyone I am in relationship with. I have ways to choose from my commitments instead of my limitations. I am UnMessable.
LaShanya Aikerson, CEO/Trainer, FL

This workshop gave me the opportunity to look at what was not working in my life, and I uncovered my purpose and vision. I am embracing my purpose from a stand of connection, with tools to help me shift when necessary. Thank you so much! This work is the gift that keeps on giving. I can’t imagine my life without it.
Sandy Grogan, Writer, NC

I had a profound experience in this workshop. I went back to my true authentic self and experienced freedom. This will impact my music career. WorldLegacy changed my life and I want to come to every workshop because it made a huge impact in all spheres of my life. When my buttons get pushed, I see how to reset myself. I am now bringing a new level of authenticity and vulnerability to my primary relationship.
Jamilya Kurmanova, Business Owner, NC

Event Venue Date
Quantum Warrior Springhill Suites Durham April 25, 2025 7:00 pm   Register

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