WorldLegacy What People Say What People Say
What People Say2018-08-20T17:17:10-04:00

WorldLegacy graduates come from all over the world.  They most often share that they initially thought this would just be another workshop.  What they created transformed their lives.

What People Say

kitty-rosatiKitty Rosati Writes Book After Leadership

Since I completed the Journey in 2005 I have written three books; two with Simon & Schuster and the last one with John Wiley & Sons. “The Rice Diet Renewal” was sold and completed within two months of completing the Journey and became a NY Times bestseller within four months of its’ release! Thank you for helping me heal my previously held scarcity belief system, and too often quoted mantra, that “I knew I am suppose to write this book …. but I just don’t have time!”  I never say this anymore.
Kitty Rosati, Nutrition Director Rice Diet Program, Durham, NC

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WorldLegacy Public Speaking had me learn to inspire.  “After you spoke, I wanted to be one of your medical students and take your course.” I was able to create that feeling in one of my co-participants after a four-minute speech in which I rehearsed no lines and memorized no ending. I just was being the powerful change-agent I desired. I was blown away by the power of the workshop to shift my public-speaking focus from me to my audience. I learned how to move my audience.
Barb Sheline, MD, MPH, Duke Health System, Durham, NC

Sid PlaitMarriage and Business Goes To The Next Level

I am still married, and much, much happier about it than before Leadership!  (25 years last week – Whoo hoo!)  My business is going gangbusters.  Last month was the highest net revenue generated since I started my business (up 70%).
Sid Plait, Business Owner, Roswell, GA

LisaforestIncreased Salary by Forty Percent

After the Journey, I increased my salary by forty percent. I am now a harpist and have played in ensembles and for a wedding. I lived my life long dream by traveling to Australia and diving on the Great Barrier Reef with my children and husband. All this was possible, because of the connections I created with the beautiful people who surround and coached me and because with the training I was able to see and act on my full potential.
Lisa Greer Forrest, Physician, Lusby, MD

dawnelleIncreased School Performance

After the Core trainings, I led a “school reinvention” initiative that in two years, improved the percentage of students performing on grade level from 46% to 89%. This was the school’s highest overall performance in its 27-year history. As a result, our school was one of five to receive the statewide “Promising School Award.” I truly believe that what I’ve learned and used from this training is adding years to my life.
Dawnelle Hyland, Trainer, Durham, NC

tiffany petersonA Vision of Family Wellness

Family Wellness.  Wow! I had literally forgotten who I was and what was important to me by the time I went to the trainings in North Carolina. I walked in a mother of eight with a job I felt stuck in working 70 hours a week. After the trainings, I started taking my home-based Wellness business seriously. I cherish precious moments with my children, knowing the world has more than enough for all of us to thrive. I have a full life, with friends outside of my profession. My children are so much happier with life, now that they see me living abundantly! I see my vision of Family Wellness in the world more clearly everyday!
Tiffany Peterson, Wellness Coach, Raleigh, NC

JimGCorporate Wellness Business

I was a personal trainer and fitness instructor at the time I did the trainings. Being in the health and fitness industry I have been to many professional conventions and other training opportunities before. What I found was an amazing group of individuals committed to creating positive change and powerfully supporting others to find their voice. After the trainings I formed my own corporation and started providing unique corporate wellness and health promotion programs.  Personally, I rode three Century (100 mile plus) bike rides for charity, was elected president of the CUMC chapter of the United Methodists Men’s national association, and for five years I helped lead a mission team to Mississippi to complete Katrina disaster relief. Ultimately, what I created was a crystal clear vision of what I wanted and an understanding that the only thing keeping me from it was me.
Jim G., Business Owner,  Charlotte, NC

Close Relationships and Amazing Career

I created my loving, committed relationship that goes beyond anything I ever imagined. I thought the emotional distance that defined my family was just a fact of life; then “I love you” came flying out of us every time we spoke — and not a moment too soon, because four years later my sister died. I returned to a career in publishing after a decade; then I became senior managing editor at a top-tier academic press. I knew I could write, but thought I didn’t have anything to say; then my memoir came pouring out.
Laurel Ferejohn, Managing Editor, Raleigh, NC

Living Life Full Out

I created the possibility of forgiving myself for the little things and letting them only fuel me in manifesting my vision and dreams. I also created the possibility of life being outrageous, inspiring and easy.  I have begun to come into my sexuality and truly acknowledge myself as a man.  I expect to have a much closer, loving, inspiring and playful relationship with my brother, sister, friends, and other family members.
Jordan Deva, Multimedia Designer, Raleigh, NC

ellenpizerSocial Worker Starts Private Practice

I cannot easily articulate the profound impact these trainings have had on my life, both personally and professionally. I gained a sense of self-esteem that gave me the courage to believe in myself and my capacity to make a difference in the world. I started my private practice a year later at the age of 27. I noticed an enhanced ability to connect and create relationships with others. This made a noticeable difference in my personal life with family and friends, as well as a much more meaningful connection with the many people I would treat as a psychotherapist. Over ten years later, I am still practicing and grateful for the context of leadership in my life and the many possibilities it creates.
Ellen Pizer, Clinical Social Worker, Raleigh, NC

reemaExpands Assisted Living Business

From the day that I started the Journey, my life has absolutely transformed. The only thing that ever held me back from manifesting my vision was in fact me. I now have authentic business partners who are committed to a vision of 100 Assisted Living Facilities around the U.S. We will acquire the first two in the next month, and I have been approved for $300,000,000 to purchase the other 98 buildings.
Reema Owens, Business Owner, Charlotte, NC

Event Venue Date
Quantum Warrior Springhill Suites Durham April 25, 2025 7:00 pm   Register

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