What People Say – WorldLegacy Masters

Masters has allowed me to be present with everyone.  I am now cherishing each moment and seeing it as a gift no matter what happens.
Joey Cassiba, Professional, NC

I expect to see results in the domain of business.  I can create from nothing without a predefined expectation of what will happen.   I also see I can be neutral to my results instead of being in reaction.
LaShanya Aikerson, Corporate Trainer, Speaker and Coach, GA

The most valuable part of this training was seeing the value of me choosing to be responsible for everything.  When I am not, there are very negative consequences in my life.  I see I do not have to live in survival and I flourish when I live from my principles.
Laura Hobgood, Senior IT Manager, MD

The results I expect to get from this workshop is to be able to create ten relationships with my children and my partner.  I now have the tools to practice Mastery everyday.  When I have an experience that in the past I would have reacted to, I have tools to shift.
Dave Szigety, Deputy Director Business Relations, NC

I now have a much deeper and profound connection with my purpose on this planet.  I also have tools to release my pain and simply experience my experience without resistance.  I expect to shoot my music video and release it in the next few weeks.  I will also create a plan for a new career.
Katherine Larsen, Musician, Coach and Author, NC

From this workshop I know I will take all my relationships to the next level.  This includes, family, friends, clients and also acquaintances.
Judy Julian, Travel, NC

Event Venue Date
Quantum Warrior TBA April 25, 2025 7:00 pm   Register