What People Say – Quantum Source

Quantum Source opened up my eyes to the unknown, uncertainty and a world of possibilities.  Looking at life from this view opens up new doors in my life; a new way to see people and all living creatures in a new light.  I expect this to take all my relationships to a much deeper level.
Kiaresh Tossi, Information Technology, MD.

The is one of the most powerful workshops I have ever attended at WorldLegacy.  I now experience myself as a more powerful, free and open woman.  I can now be a conscious creator in my life.
Jadore Bimurzinova, Caregiver, NYC

It is so amazing to see in a new light and explains the actions and feeling on how the world operates.  I can now interact in my life with new possibilities.  I can see my life operating with free flowing energy and a deeper way to connect to people.
Linda Peters, Engineer, NC

Quantum Source allowed me to take a deeper cut on living in possibility.  I saw how I was keeping myself from creating the relationships I wanted with my daughters, by creating myself separate and anticipating the “next verbal attack.”  Before the workshop was over, I started creating an entirely different connection with my daughters, one of appreciation and love.
Barb Kulp, Massage Therapist, NC

Quantum Source workshop radically changed how I think about my life. Instead of going through plans and strategies for a long period of time, I can now create radical business results much faster.  Infinite possibilities are always available.
Katherine Larsen, Coach and Author, NC

The workshop was amazing and had me get in touch with a totally different way of instantaneously manifesting results.  I also previously underestimated how damaging my limiting conversations are to my health and life.
Eric McAfee, Computer Engineer, NC

I am using this workshop to create a loving connection with my brother and father.  I let go of my frustration in these relationships.  I am the generator of the results in my life in every way.  I loved this workshop.
Aizhan Nauryzbayeva, Finance, NYC

In Quantum Source I was able to clearly see how I have been living as a “separate machine.”  I was not embracing infinite possibilities available in this interconnected universe.  I appreciated the mix of analytical explanation and experiential exercises.  I was able to let go and move forward powerfully.
Carl McMillon, IT Manager, NC

Event Venue Date Description
Quantum Warrior TBA
  • April 25, 2025 7:00 pm

Are you willing to step into a realm that challenges what you think is possible?  Are you willing to break through invisible barriers?  If you are ready, it will be simple but not easy.  Learn More >>

