What People Say – Teen Leadership

Teen Leadership was very important for my family.  My children both took Teen Leadership. I took WorldLegacy’s adult workshops and leadership training as well. Because of TL, I am now able to communicate with my teens as responsible young adults. I have been able to empower them to deal with/handle problems they have had with teachers and friends, rather than doing it for them. This has allowed them to experience success and confidence.  My daughter Madison has applied for a special high school-college program and completed the application herself including recommendations, essays and all materials in three days. She easily made the deadline without stress.
Barbara Kulp, WorldLegacy Leadership NC21, Licensed Massage Therapist, NC

After completing the program, Kim is a Leader! She understands the meaning and value of commitment. It shows in the way she interacts with her friends, coaching them with love through the minefield that is high school in the U.S. As a member of the varsity sports team, she leads by example and expects the best from her teammates. As a daughter, she is a delight–loving, confident, responsible, and connected.
Rex and Jan McCallum, NC

As a result of the program, Lauren is much more connected, people and relationship oriented, softer and gentler, and tells me every day she loves me.
Dr. Doug Holmes, NC

Teen Leadership helped me break out of my shell.  I am much more open about things with my parents and friends. I used to battle everything inside and never let anyone in.  This would leave me in a bad mood 90% of the time.  The stress was unbearable and it drove me crazy. Now I make my problems known and handle them as soon as I can. I let people in.
Tyler Cassiba, Teen Leadership Student, NC

TL shows up in my life every single day. It shows up in my confidence and leadership. I look around and see strengthened connections and relationships in my life and it feels very empowering.  In staffing TL, I have helped other teens in discovering themselves and figuring out that they matter because they are leaders in their life.  The most valuable parts of the TL training are the exercises in which the teens look at their lives objectively and then can distinguish what is working and what isn’t working.  Then they can get clear on their intentions.
Natalie Suchy, TL Graduate, NC

Man where to begin. TL has been a blessing for me.  I realized so much about myself and I just saw myself growing into myself.  During TL we talked about masks and I realized that over the years I let myself put on several masks to hide who the real me.  I searched and found myself and I realized that I am a strong Christian, athletic and responsible.  I accepted myself and I don’t have to worry about what others think or say about me. I am accepted and I am a leader.
Kahleel Smith, TL Graduate, NC.

TL made me see the better person I can be if I just believe in myself and the people around me.  It also helped me to see that I can help other people.  I will always and forever Remember and be TL!
Leah Wiggins, TL Graduate, NC.

What Parents Say About Their Teens After Teen Leadership

“She is lighter and seems happier with herself. You always forget and feel stuck with no possibility of change. I see now that at any time, you can change anything and everything.

“She is more acceptable to discussing topics – not as argumentative. She is reflecting on situations and readdressing them.

“He has become aware of other points of view and ways of resolving disagreements.

“Since my daughter has participated in the Teen Program she has taken her school work much more seriously. Before, I felt I had to constantly push her to do her work. Now she does it on her own and she is willing to come to me when she doesn’t understand something.

“We had a good relationship before, but now it is even better. I think he is more open to sharing things that we would not have shared before.

“She has grown more confident and is able to express her thoughts better.

“He has learned to open up and be more communicative with us. She has also learned to identify emotional elements that may break down the conversation.

“He has recognized the importance of responsibility.

Event Venue Date
Quantum Warrior Springhill Suites Durham April 25, 2025 7:00 pm   Register