What People Say – VIA


“I thought I was free. I had no clue. VIA has been the most powerful WorldLegacy workshop thus far. It is the thread that weaves together the Breakthrough I, Breakthrough II, LP, PhD and all the others I’ve taken and gives them a collective foundation.”
– Joseph Long, Software Developer, NC

“I was able to accomplish more in three months than I would have ever thought possible. Every relationship in my life has been enriched by VIA. And I haven’t had this much fun since I was five years old!”
– Jon Ruth, Project Manager Solar Pipeline, NC

“In VIA, I created $19 Million to expand my business as well as a new playground for my company to care for others.”
– Reema Owens, Owner of Assisted Living Facilities, NC

“During the most difficult time of my life, I learned to laugh in the midst of dire circumstances, and I created a new business, set big goals, and accomplished things I never dreamed possible.”
– Mary Baird, Business Owner, NC

“The ability to stretch what I see possible and to play has produced more surprises and excitement in my daily life than any other single experience to date. Now I have access to the genius and creativity that I was born with.”
– Brett McCall, Movie Producer and Entrepreneur, NC

Event Venue Date
Quantum Warrior Springhill Suites Durham April 25, 2025 7:00 pm   Register