The Path of Love
The Path of Love2020-04-14T21:16:48-04:00

A New Virtual Couples Workshop for a Magical Partnership.  Relationships are not a thing that is formed and then gets periodic maintenance.  A great relationship is a moment-to-moment creation.  It is a dance that brings joy, empowerment, peace, love, and fulfillment to both partners.  In The Path of Love, you will create the foundation to bring alive a vibrant partnership every day, even in the face of life’s inevitable challenges and surprises.

Our Couples commonly report the following results:

•  Falling in love all over again
•  Experiencing fun, play and connection deeper than ever before
•  Clearing away patterns from the past that were getting in the way of intimacy, love and connection
•  Creating a real partnership to share life
•  Rekindling passion for each other
•  Establishing the foundation and tools to resolve differences and challenges
•  Building a purpose together to jointly leave a mark in the world

This live virtual workshop with be highly interactive experience to share and create together with your partner.

Prerequisite: One person in the couple needs to have completed LP.
Schedule: Six three-hour live Zoom Workshops.  One workshop a week for six weeks.  Six Saturdays 9:00 am  – 12:00 pm EST.
April 26 • May 2 • May 9 • May 16 • May 23 • May 30
Structured opportunities between workshops that guide you to implement what you have learned.
Tuition: Introductory Tuition, $995 per couple.  Early bird special, $595 per couple until April 17!

What People Say – WorldLegacy Couples Workshop

The Couples workshop was a magical experience.  I  see clearly the ways I’ve sabotaged my relationships and kept it from expanding.  From here, it’s possible to powerfully relate to people regardless of what is in front of me.  We as a couple see how we are collectively a stand in the world with our commitment to one another born out of a greater vision.  I get to generate moment to moment rather than be a victim to the past.
Jordan Deva, Raleigh, NC

Frank and I recently married and started to settle into what I thought was married life – run of the mill – go to work, come home, have disagreements, frustrations, arguments, and then laughing at the same old jokes.  In this workshop I remembered we are not in a fixed relationship.  We are always at choice in how we relate to each other.  We can relate from a much larger purpose than just being a couple, but for a reason that includes our commitment to the world.
Karen Cole, Chapel Hill, NC

I have created a deep, powerful and authentic partnership.  We have strengthened who we are as individuals and as a couple.  I have so many new insights and tools to create my relationship to be alive, free and deeply loving.  I thought I knew my partner so well and yet I discovered many new and priceless things.
Charlene Edgerton, Raleigh, NC

This was a life altering opportunity that enabled self-discovery, self-revelation and self-expression at a core level.  The emotional safety of the workshop allowed for work of the most sacred and vulnerable nature.  What an amazing gift this has been for empowering my partner and myself to have honest exploration.
John Leonard, Leicester, NC

Go to the Couples workshop if you are seeking to take your relationships to the next level.  I have spent too much time in my relationships dreading talking about what I thought was the “heavy stuff.”  As it turns out, revealing my true thoughts and feelings and creating a space for my fiancé to do the same, was actually freeing!   A huge weight has been lifted, and the proverbial pink elephants that we have avoided were revealed in a way that honored both of us.  We can create our relationship to stand for something much bigger than us.
Erin Dawson, Durham, NC

I was able to transform my understanding of what a relationship is by recognizing that I held relationship as a “static thing.”   I now understand that relationship is an organic, fluid, ever changing force, that is bigger and more powerful than I had previously held it.
Kevin Willeford, Leicester, NC

My husband and I opened more lines of communication than I could have ever imagined.  I learned to truly listen to my partner so that he feels heard.  I feel that our relationship is so much clearer and stronger now.
Dana Schrenk, Cary, NC

Event Venue Date
Quantum Warrior Springhill Suites Durham April 25, 2025 7:00 pm   Register

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