Quantum Transformation The Art of Quantum Transformation
The Art of Quantum Transformation2023-11-03T00:12:42-04:00

“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle” ― Albert Einstein

Wake Up, Power Up, Show Up!

A special in-person, one-time event for LP graduates to take an evolutionary leap in life.
Learn the tools and technologies of our new Quantum Transformation to practically apply them throughout your life.

Your results in life will dramatically increase and you will:
• Wake up out of your limiting illusions, into a world that is rich with sources of possibility, power, and connection.
• Power up your being to live with a new level of focus and motivation.
• Show Up authentically to yourself and others.
• Bring coherence into your essence and soul, even in your most challenging situations.

Prerequisite: Leadership
Schedule: All day Saturday and Sunday
Tuition: $195 Special for this Event

Note: COVID Update
All students must provide proof of negative COVID-19 test results within 24 hours of the start of the training.  A PCR test can be taken within 5-7 days of the training and a Rapid Antigen or home test within 2 days of the training. Please take a time-stamped photo of the test results and provide it before the training starts or bring it to registration.

What People Say – WorldLegacy Art of Quantum Transformation

The Art of Quantum Transformation blew my mind to pieces and had my laughter explode. Being with others from a clear space allowed me to be open to reinvent my relationship with my sister. I am committed to developing a deeper relationship with my sister and this melts my heart. I see this workshop also supporting me in building a successful agency.
Tanisha Layne, Business Owner, Washington, DC

Powerful and transformative sums it up for me. I feel that I have breathed a breath of ultra-purified and cleansing air. I expect to feel free in my self-expression.
Marla Fera, Naturopath, NC

I came in knowing I have more to offer but I was so blocked and closed off and I was experiencing physical pain for all my holding back. Now I’m in a place where I feel free to play. My relationship with myself will be constantly growing. I see my relationships with people expanding because I am giving them space to be, and I am coming from infinite possibilities.
Katie Philippi, Self-employed, NE

This workshop will blow your mind! It did mine. I’m truly at a loss of words to describe. I intend to bring this into every aspect of my life. We are all integral co-creators and I intend to live that.
Karen Cole, Paralegal, NC

A powerful workshop that revealed to me the value of jumping into uncertainty and living my life without overthinking. I can let go of my limiting beliefs and now I will play with my vision. It is time to start a new chapter in my life.
Nurbek Ormonov, Event Planner, IL

The workshop was a testament to inner wisdom, the power of love and letting go of beliefs that do not support me living an authentic life. As a result, peace, freedom and living in the present moment is possible for me. I am committed to living a life of appreciation regardless of circumstances.
Rene Parrish, Retired Program Director Radiology, NC

Art of Quantum Transformation was one of the greatest workshops I have ever done. I was able to connect to my true self and from that space connect to others in a way that I had no idea was possible. I will stop living in my mind and thoughts and instead live in the present moment. This will allow me to connect with people I love in a new way.
Kiarash Toossi, System Engineer, MD

The title Quantum Transformation intrigued me, so I enrolled without prompting. The workshop delivered in a way that matters. Now I know for sure that there is a field-the Quantum Field-that Is. The Field responds to my thoughts and feelings. I know this new way of thinking will positively impact my relationships and my businesses.
Stephen Middleton, PhD, Retired Professor, SC

Quantum Transformation is the New Black! Thank you for everything. This workshop allowed me to reconnect to my sense of play and endless possibility. I can say for sure that this will now create new openings in my relationships.
Rachel Hailey, Business Owner, MA

This workshop felt like I was taking an internal shower. I feel clear about who I am and clear about my purpose. I feel whole and complete. I intend to create an inspiring career. I intend to transform my health and bring my romantic relationship to new heights.
Mariya Berezhnova, Business Coach, MI

This workshop is an extraordinary opportunity to let go and discover your energy being and physical being. I experienced the power of love, joy, connection, and play (among other things) with people in an exciting and freeing way. Allowing my authentic, playful, and loving self to now be my come from, I can create resolution in areas that require it in a win/win way.
Barb Kulp, Energy Healer and Massage Therapist, NC

This workshop is truly life changing. I learned about the Quantum Field and how I’ve been thinking from a limiting mindset. I see that shifting to a quantum way of thinking, allows me to choose to live life with no expectations and embracing uncertainty instead of resisting it.
Aizhan Nauryzbayeva, Mother and Wife, NY

I lost my brother two years ago and my mom was sick with cancer. After all these things, I was totally shut down, fighting with myself and with everyone. Now, I want to start to live fully and be fun and free for myself, my family, and humanity.
Aksana Mamatova, Nail Technician, IL

This workshop was a big surprise for me, full of magic, love, and connection. I saw many things for myself that could bring my life to the next level. This was one of the best workshops I have ever done and will impact people at work, my husband, and my family.
Zarina Alim, UI/UX and Product Designer, MD

Event Venue Date
Quantum Warrior Springhill Suites Durham April 25, 2025 7:00 pm   Register

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