WorldLegacy Improv 1

Learn the secrets of Improv Speaking.  Yes a formula, method, and approach!

Business is an act of improvisation, not planning. – Harvard Business Review

Improvisation offers great grounding for leaders. Leadership requires becoming
comfortable with uncertainty and the lack of total control.
It involves mastering paradoxes, such as being simultaneously alert and patient,
and creative and grounded. – Michael Wheeler, Harvard Business School

Your results in life will dramatically increase and you will:
• Be more effective in communicating with one or a thousand people
• Change your relationship with failing and become resilient
• Be fun and inspiring to work and play with and have increased creativity
• Never freeze up again!
• Learn to think and speak on your feet
• Stop your internal negative dialogue about your ability and effectiveness
• Be a better enroller in any domain
• Stop dwelling on “the perfect thing you should have said” when it is too late

Limited to 30 students because of the highly interactive format

Prerequisite: Breakthrough
Schedule: All day Saturday and Sunday
Tuition: $495 (No Cost Freedom Pass)

WorldLegacy Improv

What People Say – Improv

Improv was a blast! I couldn’t believe how many areas of my life this workshop applies to. I learned how to be in the flow of creativity with others and create even bigger possibilities. I learned that being connected to people creates new possibilities that lead to results.  Improv allowed me to courageously embrace failure and see it in a new way.  It showed me how I can better collaborate with team members.  I see people as gifts not obstacles.  I am clear this will lead to new openings in relationships, a committed harmonious partnership, and increased success in business.
Katherine Larsen, Author and Coach, NC

I realize it is all about making choices, risking, and then taking action. To get the results I want, I need to be free, fun, easy and enjoy the ride. I expect to live life with more joy, power and authenticity.
Ainur Meldebekona, Caregiver, NYC

After years of training and attending workshops, I must admit this was one of the most challenging experiences of my life. This was an amazing opportunity to risk and take my awareness to a new level. I saw I could go splat at 100 miles an hour. I could fail over and over, shift, and then be free. I expect this will allow me to have improved contracts in business, listening in all relationships, and moving forward in my life.
David Nordeen, Plumbing Contractor, SC

Improv is an outstanding box-busting workshop. I was able to practice and take new ground, and plan to take it into my relationships and work. I loved how much practice there was in the workshop. I can now create play and group connections.
Carl McMillon, IT Manager, NC

This incredibly fun workshop enabled me to experience that moment-to-moment I have a vast array of options available to me that I was unable to predict based on my “normal” way of doing things. I learned to open up to expanding myself on the spot. I expect my communication with others will have deeper connection leading to permanent friendships and a valuable, respected and loving life partner.
Michael Koren, Kitchen Designer, NC

Improv is so fun and powerful. I will use the skills I learned to have people feel heard. I will conduct myself openly and effectively with people. I now have so many possibilities.
Danielle Taleas, Behavioral Therapist, MA

The pillars we learned in Improv are fundamental to success in life.  These tenants will forever be a part of my toolkit for deepening relationships both personally and professionally.  This will allow you to tap into your full potential.
Bill Spreitzer, Corporate Trainer, Business Coach, Speaker, NC

This was an amazing experience.  I saw myself in all spheres of my life.  I opened myself up to the importance of listening.  The key to relationships is communication.
Albina Arciero, Student, NYC

Improv brought to life how to communicate anywhere without first preparing a speech.  It was a fun way to learn how to receive gifts others give me and in turn give gifts to others.  I am excited to apply these concepts all over my life.
Bob Ramsey, Software Engineer, NC

In Improv I learned to keep the conversation flowing in a way that benefits everyone. I expect to be more effective at work and in customer interactions and negotiations.
Lisa Mannion, Consulting, NC

This workshop, the variety of experiential exercises, and the practices have given me the confidence to take this work home and use it in all areas of my life.  I will use what I learned to listen and be willing to fail.  If I can embrace failure, my students will have a safe place to learn and make mistakes.
Sandy Grogan, Music Teacher, NC

This workshop gave me new choices to live in the present and understand what listening means.  I really learned how to win and have everyone around me win, build new relationships, and open new possibilities for people around me.
Mohammed Abu Asaker, UNHCR, Abu Dhabi

Event Venue Date
Quantum Warrior Springhill Suites Durham April 25, 2025 7:00 pm   Register

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