Taking off from Improv 1, we introduce the all-new Improv 2 for you to apply the principles of Improv directly into your everyday life situations and challenges.

Improvisation isn’t actually about comedy, it’s about reacting – being focused and present in the moment at a very high level.
– Robert Kulhan

Improvisation is probably one of the two or three most important skills to learn in the future.
– John Kao

Improv is Focus.  Improv is Presence and Impact.  Improv is Creativity and Connection.  Improv is Playing with life not resisting life. And Improv is lots of Fun.

In Improv 2, you will learn to:

• Be resilient and steadfast no matter what is thrown your way
• Speak beyond your words to create an engaging experience for others
• Bring a relaxed state of flow to your interactions and relationships
• Turn off that nagging voice of doubt
• Be effective in life’s difficult conversations
• Create trust and connection in everyday situations
• Bring a spirit of play and creativity to all of life’s challenges
• Inspire collaboration and create something from nothing

Limited to 30 students due to the highly interactive format
Prerequisite: Breakthrough (Improv 1 is not required)
Schedule: Virtual on Six Tuesday evenings, 7:00 PM – 10:00 PM Eastern US (New York) time
Begins: November 2
Tuition: $495 (Early-bird scholarship: $395 when you register by October 24)

WorldLegacy Improv

Event Venue Date
Quantum Warrior Springhill Suites Durham April 25, 2025 7:00 pm   Register