WorldLegacy Warrior Within Warrior Within
Warrior Within2019-01-25T02:06:10-05:00


Warrior Within is a fast-paced, highly challenging, intense leadership and team breakthrough training. In the workshop, you will draw forth from within yourself and express the honorable archetype of your true spiritual warrior. When we are disconnected from our inner warrior, we lose personal power and live a life of survival. When faced with difficult situations, we may procrastinate, hesitate, feel unworthy, get angry, resigned, righteous, play the victim, disconnect, or seek approval.

This workshop allows you to have breakthroughs unlike any other workshop. You will have an amazingly accurate mirror to see exactly how you live your everyday life

What is available to you:
• Confront the challenge of facing your death
• Test yourself in the face of danger
• Face challenges and live in the moment
• Connect to your Inner Warrior
• Break through barriers that have stopped you from accessing your leadership
• Live your life aligned with your principles and with honor
• Really see how you play as a team player

This is unlike any workshop you have ever done. Plug into a source of connection and intention that will take you and your tribe to a profound level. The breakthroughs you create will be immediately applicable in your life. Don’t miss this battle. Put on your face paint and meet us on the battlefield.

Prerequisite: Breakthrough
Schedule: Friday night, all day Saturday and Sunday
Tuition: $495 (no cost Freedom Pass)

What People Say – Warrior Within

I experienced a sense of letting go of everything, and stepping into what I truly want.  For me, that means moving into my future unencumbered and free.  With that freedom, comes the ability to respond in every moment to anyone at any time.  That’s all that I need.  I wish that for others around me.  The feedback that I received was so potent, that I am experiencing shifts even after the training.  These shifts are much like tremors that follow an earthquake.  The landscape of my life is altered.  I am noticing similar shifts in my workplace, with my clients, and in my home and personal life.  I could go on and on raving about this training.  Instead … just do it, and see for yourself!
Betsy Jordan, Direct Creativity, NC

This training had me see my life, and how I was living, so clearly. I saw, all over again, how wonderful life could be when I am responsible. It is incredibly freeing for me to see that all the approval I need in my life comes from within. I also saw my resistance to life and how I had to make it better, work harder, be more disciplined . . . on and on. I now see the benefit of this moment, accepting it as it is, and making a choice.  I saw the pressure I put on myself and the way it paralyzes me when I feel like things really count. I see now that I am enough for any situation. When I give up the need to prove that I’m enough I have the freedom to just be.
Tonya Whitman, Administrative Assistant, MO

Being able to see how obstacles I have in life can be viewed in a way that is forwarding is extremely powerful. This workshop has allowed me to shift my focus on the obstacles I have in my life in a way that I now see the power in the choices I have in overcoming them.
Tiffany Ivey, Network Engineer, NC

I saw clear demonstrations that I matter. When I live in the present, get committed, and get intention, I have the power of being connected to my heart and I can be free.
Anders Johnson, Father, NC

I experienced the power of the intention of a tribe. I experienced my own power and through intention, commitment and determination, I can accomplish miracles. I intend on taking big projects with confidence. I will enjoy preparing for and participating in battles instead of focusing on my flaws and limiting conversations.
Josie Kranz, Farmer, NE

Event Venue Date
Quantum Warrior Springhill Suites Durham April 25, 2025 7:00 pm   Register

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