What was most significant for me was the experience of being called forth by a team, staff, trainer, buddy, and mentor who were all committed to seeing me win. I thought there wasn’t too much more I could grow after staffing and senioring WorldLegacy’s workshops, but I found out that was only the tip of the iceberg of who I could be and what I could accomplish. I can choose in any moment to make a difference. I am causing a legislative change in North Carolina State Law that will ultimately lead to a decrease in HIV transmission and save lives. I am very clear about what matters to me.
Natalie Wilson, RN, NC

I totally recommend WorldLegacy’s Advanced Leadership Program LPPhD. I would say it is not just for anyone. This is a huge commitment and responsibility. It is also not for the faint of heart. If you are ready to go on a journey and adventure beyond what you think you know, willing to let go of old ideas that are not working (or even ones that are), to find what you have not a clue about yet, then this is the game to play. If you are willing to be in a hurricane and want to live in a transformed world, if you want to stand where we stand every day, free from circumstances, then this is the game for you. The most valuable parts of LPPhD were my team, and the ability to expand myself when needed.
David Nordeen, Plumbing Contractor, NC

Because of WorldLegacy’s LPPhD, I have finally woken up to seeing that I am a contribution. I can overcome anything. The world will be joyous because I say so. All of this and more is possible because of the PhD program. It is about creating leaders. It is about creating trainers. It is about creating transformation. The most valuable part of LPPhD is being in service to others transformation, and in turn serving my own.
Joseph Long, Software Developer, NC

Through being in WorldLegacy’s LPPhD Program, I have expanded my capacity to give to others exponentially. I can access my authentic self and what is most in my heart. It’s been a refreshing possibility to set an intention and simply create that in others without all the stressors of worrying “how am I going to do this?” I have created solid financial stability. I am working with leaders in my Shaklee franchise and have added two additional Shaklee leaders and created my business with less effort and greater joy. I am excited about what’s next from this deep understanding of mattering and the difference I can make. I really appreciated the flow of the training modules. In fact, the entire program flowed together beautifully each built upon the other.
Amber White, Wellness Educator, NC

LPPhD has been transformational in ways I never imagined, and I am sure I will continue to have realizations about the past seven months as I also know it will continue to shape my future. PhD has transformed who I am, how I see myself, and has made a difference in my making a difference in all arenas of my life: family, work, career, a widening circle of friends. PhD opened the door for me to jump off the cliff and create a whole new life, the life I want. The most valuable part(s) of LPPhD were: the weekends, the structure of  individual and buddy work, the emphasis on stretches focused on service to others, doing public speaking as a team, the exercises bringing alive ways of being and distinctions, getting feedback on how we show up, and reviewing the module tapes.
Ellen Coates, Public Health Professional, MA

WorldLegacy’s LPPhD Program is the difference between living my life and creating an extraordinary life. I cannot help but take the lessons of LPPhD into every piece of my life. As an LPPhD graduate, I see the world from a different perspective and it is all a huge opportunity to make a difference. The weekends were a great opportunity to look at how I show up when the pressure is on. The feedback and lessons were invaluable. I always came out of the weekends with a new perspective and so much possibility for my life. Kaaren Johanson, Operations Manager, NC

LPPhD has opened up possibilities in areas of my life beyond what I envisioned. In my doctorate program, I am creating a dissertation project that will look at feedback and what the importance of being a stand for colleagues in the workplace. My career has grown significantly because of my LPPhD experience. I have created leaders in my team. My project has expanded into eight additional counties and has been invited into the Eastern Band of Cherokee to work with the Native American Juvenile Justice System. I am comfortable and confident in my dealings with senators, judges, CEO’s, communities, state and national leaders because I come from vision and transformation in everything I do. My family has been transformed- and continues to be- as my husband (also in LPPhD) and I create and support our loved ones to become the leaders in their lives. We live in the context of possibility and service, and are a stand for others to do the same- because of WorldLegacy’s LPPhD Program. The most valuable part(s) of LPPhD included: Team- creating team and being part of it. The staff- LPPhD graduates who exemplify being a stand. The Coaches- Rob and Lori consistently holding us to the standard of LPPhD. Personal stretches, 3rd weekend, and breakthrough 2nd weekend.
Patti Long, Program Manager, NC

Event Venue Date
Quantum Warrior Springhill Suites Durham April 25, 2025 7:00 pm   Register